Application Questions and Technical Questions
Job application question - gender neutral pronouns - Please let us know your pronouns.
How many contradictions exist within this job posting?
Conversation with a recruiter - The Kitchen Sink
Unique technical requirement on a job application
Do you see the problem with this technology job application question?
Conversation with a recruiter - What is a Shotgun Job Posting?
Conversation with a recruiter - Job Posting with Many Requirements
New Era Question for an IT/Tech Support Associate job - Theme song? Lunch mates?
New Era Question: Gender Pronouns?
BKLYN, A and C trains, Person Riding on top of Train
Candidate Screening Technical Question - DNC ???? Do you mean DNS?
Conversation with a recruiter - the position was filled
New Era Question: Race - Unsure
New Era Question: What is your pronoun?
Candidate Screening Technical Question - Impossible to Answer - Q1
Conversation with a recruiter - I am speechless